Natural Phenomenon : Aurora
Most people recognize aurora as one of the creation of Walt Disney princess, which is The Sleeping Beauty. But as you all may already know, aurora is also a name of a stunning natural light phenomenon which exists in the Northern and Southern Pole. So, first of all, what is aurora? Aurora is a natural phenomenon which is known by a display of a natural-coloured (green, red, yellow or white) light in the sky. It is a light show which is caused when electrically-charged particles from the sun collide with particles from gases such as oxygen and nitrogen present in the earth's atmosphere. In ancient Greece and the Romans, aurora borealis is derived from the Greek words "Aurora" meaning "sunrise" and "boreas" meaning "wind". The Greeks held that Aurora was the sister of Helios and Seline, the sun and moon respectively, and that she raced across the early morning sky in her multi-coloured chariot to alert her siblings to the dawning of a new ...