Future Dreams

Future Dreams
Hello, I’m Acha! I’m 17 years old. I was born in Bandung at December 12th 2001. I currently live in Bandung and study at SMAN 3 Bandung. I have a small happy family contains of my father called Keliek, my mother called Nia, and my little brother called Hilal who’s turning 15 this year. He’s younger than me, it’s normal for him to be playing around but at certain moments, he could be very mature comparing to his actual age. Sometimes I even feel he’s a big brother! He’s so caring but doesn’t show it the way people usually do, he has his own way to show his affections.  

 My father works at a logistics company called Samudera Indonesia and he had been moving into several cities in Indonesia because of his work, so we had to come along with him. Me and my family have lived in Jakarta, Bogor, Pekanbaru, and Makassar. This experience really benefits me in many ways. I have a lot of friends from different backgrounds and cultures which I could learn from. Their traditions, characters, I can even speak with their traditional languages until now! I had a very good time visiting famous spots of Indonesia that I only saw in books such as Toraja, Lembah Anai, Jam Gadang, Istana Maimoon, and so many else. That’s why travelling is a fun thing to do for me because you can learn a lot by visiting places all over the globe.

Well, guys, I think that’s the main reason I easily get bored. I couldn’t stay still in one place for a long time. And it became my hobby to travel and go to new places I’ve never been before. I also love to read and write poetry. I adore beautiful words that express someone’s thought and feeling. It screams someone’s pain, sorrow, or happiness very elegantly. The way those words effortlessly touch my soul is just magical.

I enjoy music. Jazz and acoustic, especially. Those kinds of music you could listen all day with a cup of coffee and rainmusic that clears your mind and calms your soul. I’m loving Jason Mraz’s songs, Lauv, Shawn Mendes, Tulus, and Ed Sheeran. Their songs are easy listening and I can relate to the lyrics. I enjoy Korean music too, but I don’t have any specific Korean singer that I like. If I like the genre and can relate to the lyrics, any Korean song can get into my playlist.

Now I want to share what I believe are my strengths. As I growing up, I realize that I’m not an envious person. I appreciate people’s achievement but rather than getting jealous, I try to find inspiration from it. I do things I like, I focus on my own hobby and goalunbothered. I do accept critics and advices though, because I believe I can grow better by listening to them.

I’m a good speaker. I don’t get nervous by speaking in front of people and can do it unprepared. The words just come out of my mouth as long as I know what the topic is. I speak Bahasa and English. I also understand Korean and speak a little. For traditional language, I speak Sundanese, Malay, and Makassar. I’m superfast at learning new language. Especially when I love the country or I am forced to learn the language. I could speak Makassar and Pekanbaru traditional language fluently in just 3 months living there. Well guys, I had to, because I lived there! I read and write Korean in 3 weeks, and took about 2 months to do both fluently. I’ve been watching Korean dramas since I was 13 with English subtitles and the actors speak Korean so I learned both language from it. Now, I can speak daily conversations in Korean and watch Korean dramas without any subtitles. If anyone thought Korean drama has no good influence, well people, it actually has!

My strong point as a human being is I’m a very good analyst for human’s characters. But yall I ain’t a judge so I don’t judge people, I just analyze and empathize. Although I have strict rules for my own life which is based from my religion, I think I can say I’m a pretty understanding person. I don’t judge people right away before figuring out the facts.

A person can be so damaged by his family. He could’ve been treated badly. We can’t give more pain by insulting him about how bad and ruined he is. All you’ve got to do is to comfort him. Make him believe that you care. He is on the wrong track but you are willing to help him find the right one. If you don’t know how to help someone, then just pray for them. God is always up there to grant prayers and forgive sins.

As the saying goes, nobody’s perfect, I also have flaws. A lot, but there’ll be hundreds of pages if I write it all, so I’m just letting you guys know my major weaknesses. First, I am really bad at waiting. I really hate waiting to the point where I’d rather go by myself than waiting for someone that’s taking too much time to get ready. Come on, making someone wait too long for you is not healthy! But there are times where you should just wait, and I’m really bad at it.

Second, I think this is both strength and weakness. I tend to do everything by myself. Maybe it’s because I was raised to do so. My father had been working far away from me since I was a kid, so my mom had to do the housework and every time I asked her to drive me somewhere or help me to do something, I was told to do it by myself. Without realizing it, it had become my habit. Being independent is good, but not at certain moment. Now, I rarely tell my parents where I am, with whom I’m with, or how I’ll go back home because I don’t feel the need to. I don’t feel scared going home by myself at late, I don’t see it as a wrong thing to come home late because I’m not asking anyone to pick me up or to open the door for me, and it’s wrong.

3 years ago I only met my father once a month or even less. Now that he’s not working that far away, I get to see him 4 or 3 times a month. Somehow I think he’s kind of feeling guilty because he missed the chance to take or pick me up from school, listening to all my childish stories and buying me ice creams. Now that I’m more mature and try to live more independently, I guess my father regrets not being there where I wanted to be accompanied the most. Now, even if it’s just taking me to a café where I do my group assignments, I feel very troublesome to my father. What if my father still feeling tired? What if he’s not in a good condition? I’m concerning about all of that when all my father want is to spend time with me.   

Moving on to my dream occupation, I haven’t decided what I want to be in specific, but I want an occupation where speaking skill is needed the most. I hate mathematics and lack ability in technology, there’s no way I’m going to ITB. If I am to be involved in scientific occupation, I’d like biology to be the main thing of it because I’m extremely good at memorizing, so I might be interested to continue my study at Universitas Padjadjaran, majoring in Faculty of Medicine. 

I don’t think I can survive a week with no coffee, that’s the reason I wish to have an aestethic café where students or workers can do their tasks, and of course families or friends can gather and chat happily. I also love to see people feel good about themselves so I want to establish a beauty salon and spa. It will have a breathtaking view and of course, excellent service.


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